Farm Martuk
Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, Martuk district, Sarzhansay village, Aktobe street, building 1 "G" Index: 030600
Farm Martuk
Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, Martuk district, Sarzhansay village, Aktobe street, building 1 "G" Index: 030600
+7 /7133/17-23-93Dairy plant
Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, st. Gastello, 2a Postcode: 030003
Dairy plant
Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, st. Gastello, 2a Postcode: 030003
+7 /7132/ 40-74-78 +7 /7132/ 40-74-99 +7 /7132/ 40-74-92

Head of the trade department
Mynzhasar Gulim Karzhauovna
Head of the trade department
Demeuov Bekzhan Serzhanovich

Territorial manager of the West Kazakhstan region
Babekenov Rustambek Dzhusupovich